


Charged Up: KBRwyle Protects Environment, Saves Money with New Electric Vehicles

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Company on road to cleaner tomorrow with eco-friendly cars at Camp LemonnierKBRwyle now operates a fleet of eco-friendly electric cars at the only enduring U.S. military base in Africa. Last year KBRwyle acquired 20 electric vehicles (EVs) to replace some of its gasoline-operated all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) in Djibouti at Camp Lemonnier, located in the Horn of Africa. The new EVs reduce KBRwyle's carbon footprint and save money for the company and U.S. government.

With these vehicles, KBRwyle now uses less fuel, oil, filters, radiator fluid and other items that internal combustion engines typically need. The vehicles are cheaper to maintain and require only eight hours every other day to charge. Each vehicle takes 4.5 amps of power per hour to charge, which is about the same as a basic hairdryer.

KBRwyle is using 20 new electric vehicles for its base operating support services at Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti, Africa.

These vehicles also help reduce waste and emissions that contribute to climate change and smog. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, this improves public health and reduces ecological damage. With these new cars, KBRwyle is putting the brakes on pollution while driving maintenance and operational costs down.

"Not only does our team deliver excellent base operating support services in Djibouti, we also deliver benefits to the environment with these electric vehicles," said Randy Webb, KBRwyle Project General Manager. "These vehicles put KBRwyle on the road to a cleaner, more cost-conscious tomorrow."

Employees use the EVs in their daily tasks at Camp Lemonnier KBRwyle sustains the installation's population of thousands of Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen through its comprehensive base operating support services (BOSS). This work includes everything from management and administration to air operations and galley services.

Employees drive these electric vehicles in carrying out daily activities. These vehicles are cheaper to maintain and require only eight hours every other day to charge.

Whether in the new vehicles or on foot, KBRwyle has cared for its people as well as the environment. KBRwyle recently reached over 20 million hours without a lost-time incident in the region despite its remote and austere conditions. This equates to one person working almost 10,000 years full-time without any safety incident.

"KBRwyle is proud of this momentous safety achievement," said Ella Studer, KBRwyle Vice President. "This milestone coupled with our green initiative demonstrates the investment in our employees, the environment and our customer."

As a leading base operations support provider, KBRwyle serves U.S. and allied military forces, and diplomatic and civilian personnel deployed around the world. Its commitment to improving military readiness began in WWII when it provided a home away from home to troops on the frontlines. Today, KBRwyle is known for its theater-opening expertise and providing safe and vital base operations support anytime, anywhere, even in the most extreme environments.

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